Valiant Entertainment announced the April debut of Harbinger Wars #1, the first issue of a four-issue limited series that will set off the first-ever family crossover in the new Valiant Universe. The creators behind Harbinger Wars are Joshua Dysart (Harbinger), Duane Swiercyznski (Bloodshot), and Clayton Henry (Archer and Armstrong). In addition to the four issues of the Harbinger Wars miniseries, the action in the Harbinger Wars event will spill over into the four parallel issues of Bloodshot (#10-#13) and Harbinger (#11-#14), which means that the entire event will encompass twelve issues in all.
According to Valiant Executive Editor Warren Simons, "Harbinger Wars #1 will mark a pivotal moment for the Valiant Universe as three of our heaviest hitters go guns blazing into a conflict unlike any they have ever faced before." The conflict is precipitated by the reformed harbinger hunter Bloodshot’s decision to free two dozen of the most volatile "harbingers" (who have tele-kinetic powers) from government control and captivity.