Queen Sonja Vol. 5: Ascendancy TP
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: April 10, 2013
Cover Price: $19.99
Writer: Luke Lieberman
Artist: Fritz Casas
Cover: Lucio Parrillo
Format: 128 pgs., Full-Color, Trade Paperback
Rating: Teen+
Ever since she took the throne of Sogoria, Sonja's journey has been leading to something greater still.  Her small kingdom threw off the shackles of an empire only to see terrorism, revolt, and finally the brutality of Thulsa Doom.  Starved, shocked, and near desperation, Sonja's people now openly revolt against her rule.  She turns to the only wealthy Baron to levy taxes and feed the people, but he has a better idea --attack the empire! Open assault on the Emoran Empire is suicide, but to Sonja war is a form of art.  Through the skillful use of deception, assassination, and manipulation, she plunges the fiefdoms of Emora into confusion and chaos, while feeding her tiny kingdom off Emoran crops.  This is only the first act, her real designs are on the crown itself, and the reformation of the corrupt Empire, with her atop the throne as Empress Sonja!
• Issues 21–25 of the hit series by Luke Lieberman and Fritz Casas
• All of the beautiful covers by artists Lucio Parrillo, Jonathan Lau, Adriano Batista, Igor Vitorino and Chasen Grieshop
Description of preview: 12 pages (7-18)
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