Since Kickstarter's lines for what it calls a "Tabletop Game" project aren't where we would draw them (they don't include Reaper's Bones minis), and its "Games" category includes both video games and tabletop games, we took it upon ourselves to produce a Top Ten list for Tabletop Game Kickstarter Projects. We've also included some additional info to show other metrics for the top dollar projects.
The most recent addition is Robotech RPG Tactics, which funded yesterday at over $1.4 million (see "$1.4 Million+ for 'Robotech RPG Tactics'").
It's clear that tabletop game projects are among Kickstarter's most successful categories, with five projects at over $1 million, and three over $2 million.
The number of backers and dollars per backer vary widely, reflecting varying levels of engagement by the supporters of projects. The top project in dollars per backer, Kingdom Death: Monster, with over $378 per backer, is over twice
the dollars per backer of the lowest project in that measure on this list, Zombicide, at around $149 per backer.
Reaper's Dark Heaven: Bones had the highest number of backers at over 17,000, though, with over five times the number of backers of the lowest project in that measure on this list, Relic Nights, with around 3,500 backers.
Top Ten Tabletop Game Kickstarter Projects as of May 20, 2013 |
Rank |
Title |
Total Raised |
Date Funded |
Backers |
Dollars/ Backer |
1 |
Dark Heaven: Bones minis by Reaper Miniatures |
$3,429,235 |
08/25/12 |
17,744 |
$193.26 |
2 |
Zombicide: Season 2 by CoolMiniOrNot |
$2,255,018 |
03/31/13 |
8,944 |
$252.13 |
3 |
Kingdom Death: Monster by Kingdom Death |
$2,049,721 |
01/07/12 |
5,410 |
$378.88 |
4 |
Game Tiles by Dwarven Forge |
$1,908,155 |
04/30/13 |
5,398 |
$353.49 |
5 |
Robotech RPG Tactics by Palladium Books |
$1,442,312 |
05/20/13 |
5,342 |
$270.00 |
6 |
Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster by CoolMiniOrNot |
$951,254 |
06/30/12 |
4,278 |
$222.36 |
7 |
Myth miniatures by MERCS Miniatures |
$926,112 |
04/24/13 |
5,360 |
$172.78 |
8 |
Ogre Designer’s Edition by Steve Jackson Games |
$923,680 |
05/11/12 |
5,512 |
$167.58 |
9 |
Relic Knights by CoolMiniOrNot |
$909,537 |
09/09/12 |
3,459 |
$262.95 |
10 |
Zombicide by CoolMiniOrNot |
$781,597 |
05/06/12 |
5,258 |
$148.65 |