Other key winners include BOOM! Studios’ Adventure Time graphic novel, which won "Best Original Graphic Publication for Younger Readers," Chris Ware, whose elaborate Building Stories took the "Special Award for Excellance of Presentation," and Comic Book Resource’s Robot 6, which won "Best Biographical, Historical, or Journalistic Presentation."
IDW Publishing earned two Harveys, one for Richard Stark’s Parker: The Score (Darwyn Cooke’s 4th Harvey for his superb adaptations of the Parker novels) and one for Scott Dunbier’s Artist’s Edition of David Mazzucchelli’s Daredevil, while Dark Horse Comics also won two, "Best Anthology" for Dark Horse Presents, and “Best Edition of a Foreign Work” for Blacksad: A Silent Hell.
The Big Two weren’t shut out. DC’s Paul Levitz took home the "Dick Giordano Hero Initiative Humanitarian of the Year Award," and Dennis Hopeless won "Most Promising New Talent" for his work on Marvel’s Avengers Arena.
For a complete list of all the fine books that were honored with nominations for 2013 Harvey Awards see "'Saga' & 'Building Stories' dominate Harvey Award Nominations."
Here is a complete list of the 2013 Harvey Award Winners:
Best Artist: Fiona Staples
Best Writer: Brian K. Vaughan
Best Continuing or Limited Series: Saga
Best Graphic Album, Original: Richard Stark’s Parker: The Score
Dick Giordano Hero Initiative Humanitarian of the Year Award: Paul Levitz
Special Award for Excellence in Presentation: Building Stories
Best Biographical, Historical or Journalistic Presentation: Robot 6 Website
Best cover Artist: David Aja
Best Domestic Reprint
Best Anthology: Dark Horse Presents
Best Graphic Album Previously Published: Alien: The Illustrated Story
Best Original Graphic Publication for Younger Readers: Adventure Time
Special Award for Humor in Comics: Ryan North
Most Promising New Talent: Dennis Hopeless
Best New Series: Saga
Hero Initiative Lifetime Achievement: Sal Buscema
Best Inker: Klaus Janson
Best American Edition of Foreign Work: Blacksad: A Silent Hell
Best Syndicated Strip or Panel: Dick Tracy
Best Colorist: Fiona Staples
Best Letterer: Todd Klein
Best Single Story: Saga