The limited series comic, now available as a graphic novel, was penned by Millar, and drawn by Leinil Francis Yu, and released via Marvel’s creator-owned Icon Comics imprint between 2010 – 2012. The story revolves around a 12-year old boy with multiple sclerosis, who is visited by an alien monkey who offers him one wish. The boy wishes to become his favorite superhero--Superior; only to be revisited by the monkey, who was in fact a demon, and forces the boy to choose between selling his soul or returning to his own body.
Vaughn, who has produced and/or directed multiple films based on comic properties including X-Men: First Class and both Kick-Ass films, has two films on which he’s producer coming out in the first half of 2015, the Fantastic Four reboot and the film adaptation of Millar’s Secret Service (see "Geek Film Date Shifts").