YouTube sensation TableTop will launch an RPG spin-off series, after raising $1,414,154 on crowdfunding website Indiegogo. The successful fundraiser will also fund a 20-episode Season 3 of the series, which airs on the Geek & Sundry YouTube channel.
Funding for the 36 day campaign (see "'TableTop' Crowdfunding S3") ended on Saturday, with 22,210 backers pledging ($63.67 average per backer). In addition to the promised 20-episode TableTop season, the campaign also blew past the promised bonus goal of a spin-off RPG series at the $1 million mark. Backers continued to pledge to receive perk items from companies including Cards Against Humanity, Days of Wonder and Loot Crate. Game designers Mike Selinker and James Ernest also will be designing a downloadable TableTop: The TableTop Game for backers.
A post-campaign update touted two records that it broke: most funded digital series on any crowdfunding site, and most funded campaign in a day (for Indiegogo), with $261,000 pledged on the first campaign day (which also happened to be International TableTop Day).
The campaign, had it been on Kickstarter (and actually been a physical release), would have earned TableTop the #9 spot on our recently updated Top 10 Tabletop Game Kickstarters chart (see "Top 10 Tabletop Game Kickstarters").
In a post-campaign video, host Wil Wheaton thanked all backers and promised that Season Three would debut later this year, with the RPG spinoff arriving early next year. The RPG show was described in the video as "in the TableTop style" with Wil and friends playing a season-long RPG campaign. The series "will follow a group of players and their characters through multiple levels, challenges, and possible character deaths as an entire campaign is played out over the course of a year."
Crowdfunding Raises $1.4 Million
Posted by ICv2 on May 14, 2014 @ 10:50 pm CT
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