The full Spider-Verse event launches in November in Amazing Spider-Man #9 (see "Marvel Announces 'Spider-Verse'"). Previous Spider-Verse content has appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #1 and in Marvel’s Free Comic Book Day release.
Edge of Spider-Verse #1
Written by David Hine and Fabrice Sapolsky
Art and cover by Richard Isanove
Edge of Spider-Verse #3
Written by Dustin Weaver
Art and cover by Dustin Weaver
Edge of Spider-Verse #4
Written by Clay Mcleod Chapman
Art and cover by Garry Brown
Edge of Spider-Verse #5
Written by Gerard Way
Art and cover by Jake Wyatt
Each of the five issues will focus on a different alternative universe Spider-Man, including Gwen Stacy as Spider-Man in #2, according to CBR.