The new evil arises from the ashes of the once proud mutant haven of Genosha. The Red Skull has learned how to exploit the limitless vision of master telepath Charles Xavier and how to channel the unstoppable force known as Onslaught to wield a destructive power unmatched by even the most powerful heroes.
Will the Avengers and X-Men overcome their mutual antipathy and unite to take on the Red Supremacy? That and many other questions should be answered in October. In the meantime fans will be able to check out the build-up to this major comic event (and the build-ups are often the most interesting parts of these major crossovers) in the March to Axis in September, where the stage will be set for the big event in Avengers #24, Captain America #24, Magneto #9, and Loki: Agent of Asgard #6.