Comicsone's Onegai Teacher manga series was a hit in bookstores even before Bandai released the anime version, Please Teacher (see 'Please Teacher Limited Edition DVD').  Now Comicsone is planning to capitalize on one of its most popular franchises with the release of two new Onegai Teacher volumes.  The Please Teacher Anime Fanbook debuts first in September.  Filled with gorgeous digital images from the anime series, the volume also includes sketches and commentaries found nowhere else.  The full color Please Teacher Anime Fanbook will retail for $17.95.


In October Comicsone will release the Onegai Teacher Novel, a full-length prose adaptation of Onegai Teacher translated from the Japanese.  The novel provides the full story behind this humorous tale of a superannuated high school student named Kei and his ambiguous affair with his homeroom teacher, who just happens to be from another planet. The Onegai Teacher Novel will have a cover price of just $7.95.