CGC 9.8 prices for the 1998 Sunfire & Big Hero Six #1 (1 of 3) by Scott Lobdell are at around $450 and up on a variety of sites. Non-certified copies of the first issue start at $64.99 on Amazon, or 24.99 on eBay. Even the more recent 2008 Marvel Comics’ miniseries written by Chris Claremont, with art by David Nakayam, is commanding relatively high prices for comics from the period. Big Hero 6 #1 (of 5) starts at $46.00 on Amazon, $45.00 on MyComicShop.com, $34.20 on MileHighComics.com and $34.99 on ebay.
The 2012 Big Hero 6: Brave New Heroes Vol. 1 collection is listed starting at $69.95 on Amazon, but is in a more reasonable $35.00 range on ebay.
Marvel has already announced they have no plans to reprint the original material, because the movie has taken a different direction with the characters, while Yen Press will publish an English edition of the manga adaptation (see "Yen Gets 'Big Hero 6' Manga").
Disney Consumer Products announced licenses for a full range of action figures, plush, role-play toys, apparel, home décor and books based on the property. Licensees already include Bandai, Freeze, GDC, Jay Franco, Disney Store and Disney Publishing Worldwide.
In addition to the DPW books and the forthcoming Yen Manga adaptation, DK Publishing released the oversize 64-page hardcover Big Hero 6: The Essential Guide in September. Chronicle Books just released The Art of Big Hero 6, a massive, 2.6 lb. 168-page hardcover with an MSRP of $40.00.