Horror comics scribe Steve Niles has sold another project to Hollywood.  According to Friday's Hollywood Reporter, Dimension Films has picked up the option to Niles' Hyde, a comic book proposal with a new spin on Robert Louis Stevenson's classic Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.  Niles has had more than a little success with Tinseltown producers lately. Over the past two years he has optioned at least three other comic book properties: 30 Days of Night (see '30 Days of Night Optioned'), Criminal Macabre (see 'MGM Picks Up Dark Horse Comic Series') and Wake the Dead (see 'Dimension Wakes the Dead').  Niles was able to get 30 Days of Night optioned before the first issue of the comic even came out, but with Hyde he has topped himself by securing an option before the comic property was even announced for solicitation.