Variety is reporting that polymath director Robert Rodriguez will direct a feature film live action version of A Princess of Mars, the first book in Edgar Rice Burroughs' 11-volume John Carter of Mars series. According to Variety the budget for the film, which is being financed by Paramount, will be over '$100 million due to extensive CGI with the goal of matching the scale and scope of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.'
Rodriguez told Variety, 'After Lord of the Rings, this is probably the last well known fantasy classic yet to be made, and that's because it wasn't possible until technology caught up. I will get an opportunity to expand my Texas operation much the way Peter Jackson did in New Zealand. I've got an infrastructure now with stages and a special effects company, but this is such a big movie, everything will be taken to the next level.'
So far the filmmakers have not decided whether to call the first film in the projected series A Princess of Mars or John Carter of Mars. Preparation for shooting the film should take about ten months. Meanwhile Rodriguez (and Frank Miller) will direct Sin City (see 'Robert Rodriguez to Film Sin City').