Decipher has announced that Weta Workshop, the Academy Award-winning special effects studio responsible for creating many props and special effects for Peter Jackson's LOTR trilogy, will create unique photographic images that will be featured on cards in the Lord of the Rings Collectible Card Game.  Weta Workshop will cast, costume and create images for characters that did not appear in the films, and Decipher will use these images in its LOTR CCG. 


Among the characters that Weta is currently in the process of creating for Decipher are: Tom Bombadil, who saved the Hobbits before they got to Bree; Goldberry, Tom Bombadil's wife; Radagast, Gandalf's wizard peer; Glorfindel, the original elf who took Frodo to Rivendel; and Elrohr and Elladon, sons of Elrond.



Richard Taylor, Director of Weta Workshop, explained: 'We wanted to create many of these characters for the films, but obviously the limitations of screen time prevented that from happening.  These are characters the fans have been clamoring to see and now they can through Decipher's game.'  The Weta original image cards will appear in Decipher's LOTR CCG in 2004.  Stay tuned for more details.