Twentieth Century Fox's adaptation of Isaac Asimov's I, Robot starring Will Smith opens this weekend and although there is a paucity of tie-in merchandise available for this summer blockbuster, retailers do have some excellent movie posters and several books to choose from including a Bantam paperback edition of Asimov's original I, Robot (SRP $7.99) with Will Smith on the cover as well as an un-produced I, Robot screenplay by Harlan Ellison, which many believe is the script for the 'best science fiction film never made.'  I Books has published I, Robot: The Illustrated Screenplay (SRP $14.95), which should please Ellison fans and those who may find Fox's I, Robot too much of a summer popcorn film.


Industry experts are expecting that with Will Smith leading the charge, I, Robot will claim the top spot at the box office this weekend.  Smith's Bad Boys 2 opened at this time last year and did $46 million last year and a similar opening for I, Robot should make it number one.  While some hardcore fans have complained that Asimov's groundbreaking look at how a society would deal with the advent of intelligent machines is being trivialized in the comedy-laced, action-packed chase scenes of the new Fox film (Ellison's screenplay should certainly appeal to the current film's critics), the reviews for the new I, Robot are generally positive at least so far with several critics mentioning that the humanistic tone of Azimov's writing did make it to the screen however fleetingly.  Fox, however, has felt enough heat about the film and its relationship to its source material that the studio has trotted out Asimov's daughter Robyn to voice her opinion that film is ' respectful of my father's work and faithful to the spirit of his stories.'


For customers who become intrigued with Asimov's robots after seeing the film, retailers can always recommend other classic Asimov robot volumes such as Robot Dreams, Caves of Steel, Naked Sun, and Robots of Dawn.