Tokyopop's Fruits Basket Vol. #4 took the top spot on this week's BookScan list of best-selling graphic novels in American bookstores. Naruto Vol. #4 (Viz), which took the top spot last week, slipped to a close second, while Ken Akamatsu's Negima Vol. #2 (Del Rey), which would have been #2 last week save for a clerical error that kept it off the graphic novel list, slipped to #3 followed by the fast-rising Bleach Vol. #2 (Viz), DN Angel Vol.#3, Gravitation Vol. #7, Angel Sanctuary Vol.#3, Fruits Basket Vol. #3, Samurai Deeper Kyo Vol. #8, and Princess Ai Vol. #1, all from Tokyopop except Angel Sanctuary, which is a Viz title.
With only 3 non-manga titles in the top 50 (Brian Michael Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. #10 ranked the highest at #38), manga appears to be more dominant in the bookstores than ever.