Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller have announced a sequel to their co-directed Sin City film, which has earned $72 million at the domestic box office and made all seven of Frank Miller's Sin City graphic novels bestsellers in both the bookstore and direct markets. Miller and Rodriguez announced they were working on a sequel while attending the Cannes Film Festival, where Sin City is part of the main competition. According to Reuters the next film will be based on A Dame to Kill For, the second graphic novel in the series. Rodriguez told reporters at Cannes, 'We'd always thought A Dame to Kill For was the story (for the sequel), it has all the characters, Mickey's in it, Clive is in it, so it would be great to bring everybody back.'
Rodriguez indicated that he and Miller would like to start work on the Sin City sequel later this year and that it would be filmed in the same manner as the first film, in front of a green screen -- a technique that not only provides the filmmakers with maximum stylistic control, but also keeps costs down and speeds the filmmaking process.