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The IMAX Corporation has released a trailer for the unprecedented theatrical engagement for the TV series Game of Thrones.  Starting on January 29 and running to February 5, the final two episodes of GOT Season 4, which have been re-mastered for the giant format, will be shown at more than 200 IMAX venues along with an exclusive preview of Season 5 (see "'Game of Thrones' Round-Up").  This is the first time that a TV series has ever received this kind of deluxe theatrical exposure (see "'Game of Thrones' in IMAX Theaters").  Game of Thrones averaged 18.4 million viewers during Season 4, making it the most popular series in HBO history--and the show is currently the most frequently pirated series on TV.

The IMAX trailer shown here does indeed contain a snippet from Season 5 at the very end with a brief sequence show Tyrion Lannister, who is played by Peter Dinklage, after his escape from King’s Landing.