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Privateer Press’ Marketing Manager Lyle Lowery describes the new demo sets as an upgrade over Privateer’s earlier vacuform table toppers, explaining that the new kits are intended to “present retailers with an eye-popping way to demonstrate the excitement and striking visual character of Warmachine and Hordes in action.”
Each kit includes a full-color, detailed play mat table topper and two full starter battle groups. The models all come fully assembled and are professionally hand-painted. The Warmachine demo kits include Khador and Protectorate models, while the Hordes kits feature the Legion and Circle armies. Retailers can get either demo kit for $129.99, complete with promotional materials. For an additional $30.00, a compact 36 inch tall 19.5 by 19.5 demo table is added to the kit. For stores that want to run demos but are not interested in the models, a smaller kit that includes only the display table and table topper game mat will also be available for $74.99. The kits are availible through various distributors, or direct from Privateer.