Comic-Con News:  At the San Diego Comic-Con DC Comics announced plans to celebrate the 75th anniversary of comicdom’s most famous sidekick with a new weekly series, Batman & Robin Eternal, which will debut on October 7, as well as a Robin War crossover event that debuts in December.  Scott Snyder (Batman) and James Tynion (Batman Eternal) will act as “showrunners” for the weekly Batman & Robin Eternal series with Tynion as the lead writer.  But Snyder, Tim Seeley (Grayson), Genevieve Valentine (Catwoman), Steve Orlando (Midnighter), Jackson Lansing & Colin Kelly (Hacktivist), and Ed Brisson (Sheltered) all writing key issues for the series.

Of course Robin will continue to headline his three current ongoing titles, Grayson, Robin: Son of Batman, and We Are Robin, and the latter two titles will figure in the Robin War crossover.  The five-week Robin War crossover event debuts in December and will involve three ongoing DC books, Gotham Academy, We Are Robin, and Robin: Son of Batman.  In addition DC will publish two one-shot Robin War specials written by Tom King (Grayson) from a story by Lee Bermejo, Pat Gleason, and King.

Evolution of Robin Chart--Click Image for a Better View
At Comic-Con DC also unveiled a new “infographic” that traces the various iterations of Robin throughout the years, a very helpful aid for fans who are trying to remember the evolution of the character and keep all the “Robin” characters--Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne, and Carrie Kelley--straight.