Comic-Con News:  At the San Diego Comic-Con Fantagraphics Books announced that it would be publishing the next volume of the cutting edge comics anthology Kramers Ergot, which is edited by Sammy Harkam.  Certainly no anthology has done a better job at covering what is happening on the furthest edges of avant garde comics, where contemporary visual art meets the narrative medium of comic books, than Kramer’s Ergot, the deluxe format anthology,which was first published in 2000.

The oversize (9”x 11.5”) 250-page Kramers Ergot 9 (cover price $45) is due out from Fantagraphics in March of 2016.  It will feature Michael DeForge, Noel Freibert, Steven Weissman, Anya Davidson, Stefan Marx, Abraham Diaz, Leon Sadler, Julia Gfrörer, Adam Buttrick, Kim Deitch, Ben Jones, Andy Burkholder, Antony Huchette, Trevor Alixopulos, Antoine Cossé, Archer Prewitt, Kevin Huizenga, Renée French, Dash Shaw, and many other comics greats to be announced later.

The full color Kramers Ergot 9 is a well-realized snapshot of the work of some of the key creators operating at the cutting edge of the comics medium where comics and fine art blend in an unholy alliance that may not be blessed by snobbish supporters of either the fine arts or mainstream comics, but which makes for some of the most adventurous art and fascinating reading experiences available in any medium.