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The Super Packs each include 10 issues: Super Pack #1 contains the 10 different #1 issues of Double Take titles shipped in September (see “ Double Take Launches 10 Titles in September”), Super Pack #2 contains 10 #2 issues which release this month. Sold as a boxed set, the Super Packs retail for $20.00. The individual titles each carry an MSRP of $2.50. The Super Packs are also available in a 10-pack countertop display/collector's box for $120.00 MSRP (see "ICv2 Interview: Double Take's Bill Jemas, Part 1").“After the Diamond Summit we realized retailers loved the idea of the Super Pack but also had no idea that it was an option,” said Double Take Sales & Marketing Coordinator Gabe Yocum. “So, to ensure they understand the concept and appreciate the advantage to the 10-pack we will put two of them in every retailer’s hand.”
The Super Packs can be ordered from Diamond, and are currently the only option for consumers to purchase the #1 issues, as single-issue copies have sold out at the distributor level, Double Take informed ICv2.
One of those titles, Z-Men, is currently being developed for a big screen adaptation (see “Double Take's Comic 'Z-Men' Heads to Big Screen”).