The Nisemonogatari expansion is based on the anime series that follows the adventures of Koyomi Araragi, who begins helping the girls of his school overcome their own supernatural afflictions after recovering from his own brief period as a vampire. The series spawned a sequel, Owarimonagatari, currently airing online.
Designed for collectors, the new Meister Set collections come with some exclusive accessories, including a rubber playmat, card storage box large enough to hold 700 cards, and a PR card. Also included are 10 booster packs from the Nisemonogatari expansion. The Meister Sets will be a strictly limited production run, and may not be available after the pre-order deadline.
The Weiss Schwarz: Nisemonogatari Trial Deck will be a 50-card pre-constructed deck that includes cards and PR cards from the original Japanese edition, now in English. Each identical deck will include 17 different card types, with 4 exclusive cards not available in booster packs. Some random decks will have one of two types of exclusive RRR foil cards as a special insert. Also included in each deck are a rules sheet, deck manual, playbook, and playmat.Eight-card Booster Packs will also be available, offering a total of 80 different types of cards, with 16 parallel card versions. Random packs will include exclusive gold foil hot stamp cards signed by the Fire Sisters’ voice actors, Eri Kitamura and Yuka Iguchi, and one of two varieties of exclusive PR cards will be inserted in each booster display.
The English language version of the Nisemonogatari expansion does not include the gold or silver campaign coupons from the Japanese Edition. They may only be used in tournaments held outside of Japan.
Nisemonogatari will release about a month after the Haruhi Suzumiya expansion, which also has a supernatural school-age theme (see “‘Haruhi Suzumiya’ Joins ‘Weiss Schwarz’”).