Marvel Comics has announced a new ongoing Gwenpool series debuting in April.

According to EW, the title will be written by Christopher Hastings (Fear Itself: Deadpool, Adventure Time, Dr. Mcninja), with art by Gurihiru, the Japanese art team of Chifuyu Sasaki and Naoko Kawano (Power Pack, Nickelodeon Avatar: The Last Airbender), who all worked on the recently released Gwenpool Special  #1 (see “'Gwenpool' Gets Holiday One-Shot”).

The mash-up character of Gwen Stacy and Deadpool has proved quite popular, moving from one of several June variant covers (see “Gwen Stacy Replaces Marvel Heroes”) to a Howard the Duck back-up story introduction, to the holiday one-shot. 

The character will also be featured on a special variant cover for the Avengers: Standoff launch party (see “It's A Pleasant Hill Party!”).