Mahdi and Nizar Abrahams of Reader's Den Comic Shop in Cape Town, South Africa had a better Free Comic Book Day this year:


We had a great day -- big turnout, very good sales, and a fun vibe!  FCBD is always our best sales day of the year and this year we had significantly higher sales than the previous two years.  About 700 people came through the door, as opposed to last year's 600, many of whom bought at least one item.  We had store discounts on lots of our merchandise, also vouchers valid for the rest of the month.  All purchases were entered into a lucky draw with great prizes to be won.  All of these create major incentives for people to buy, and our regulars take great advantage of this.  However, we find that not that many new people are attracted to the store -- despite advertising in newspapers, radio, and even a feature article in a local newspaper.  Our experience for all three FCBD's have been similar -- great sales generated mostly by regular customers and a slight increase in gaining new people. 


Our major gripe for this year -- the late arrival of all promotional material.  The FCBD posters, stickers etc all arrived in our final shipment with the FCBD comics (i.e., about a week before July 3!).  


Overall, we had a fantastic day and will not hesitate to participate in future FCBDs, but will think twice about ordering promotional material.  We are aware many retailers complaining about the July 3 date, but to us this was not a problem as it coincided with our winter school holidays.


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