Andy Battaglia of Comics Etc. in Rochester, New York saw the comment by A.G. Holliman of the Comic Strip suggesting a Friday street date for comics (see 'A.G. Holliman of the ComicStrip on Friday Street Dates') and disagrees:


We've tried Friday on sale dates.  We've tried Thursday on sale dates.  Both led to our stores being ghost towns on Monday through Wednesday.  I don't need the tumbleweeds.  I need customers.


The Wednesday on sale date rescued the week.  Instead of wondering why we're even open, we are busy with a sales period that lasts from Wednesday to Sunday, instead of a three day sales period that greatly stressed our staffs.  And the bottom line is that our bottom line increased by the move to Wednesdays.  Diamond could alleviate the missing books problem by Tuesday shipping with a Wednesday on sale date, but Diamond had made it very clear over the years that they don't want to be an enforcer.  Maybe our system isn't perfect, but it is far better than the days of Friday delivery.


The system works fairly well.  Let's not go back to the chaos of Friday on sale dates.  Even now, when the books are one day late due to a holiday, we have to deal with the stress of Thursday on sale, and trying to service two days worth of customers in one day.  Let's not make it three.


My 22 years of experience says stick with Wednesday.


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