The Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition, which debuted last November and sold out completely within a month, will be available again from Warner Home Video May 29th.  The collection includes all of the Man of Steel's feature films including Bryan Singer's Superman Returns (see 'Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition').  The re-released version of the set will include corrected disks for Superman III and Superman: The Movie, both of which were missing bonus content in the original release.


The Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition (MSRP $99.92) comes packaged in a collectible tin and it also includes a reproduction of the Superman #7 comic book as well as a booklet providing an overview of the entire Superman franchise.  In addition to the Superman Returns: Special Edition the set includes Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut, Superman: The Movie Four Disk Special Edition, Superman II Two Disk Special Edition, plus the Superman III and Superman IV Special Editions -- all 'six' Superman (counting the Donner Cut as a separate film) feature films plus over 20 hours of bonus material.