Jenette Kahn will be leaving her position as President of DC Comics and Mad Magazine by the end of the year, Barry M. Meyer, CEO of DC parent Warner Brothers, announced today.  Meyer also announced that Paul Levitz, currently Executive Vice President and Publisher, will succeed Kahn by adding her portfolio of responsibilities to his own.  Kahn is leaving the company to focus on new creative pursuits, including the publishing of her first book. 


Kahn has been with the company for 26 years; she joined DC in 1976 as Publisher, and was promoted to her current position of President and Editor-in-Chief five years later.  She presided over a huge expansion in the media and product licensing of DC's properties during that tenure, including ten feature films, numerous TV series including the current hit Smallville, and the expansion of DC's brands into everything from food to  mobile communication services.  In recent years, the bulk of Kahn's time has been spent on DC's many media projects, as well as some editorial involvement and numerous public service efforts involving DC's characters (for Paul Levitz's description of their respective roles a few months ago, see '20 Questions:  Paul Levitz, Part 1'). 


Kahn said of her departure, 'I feel I've accomplished almost all of the things I set out to do at DC Comics.  While I am eager to embark on new creative challenges, I do not leave DC without leaving behind a large part of myself.  I love DC with all my heart, the values on which it stands, the medium it has pioneered, reinvented and helped transform into a legitimate art form, and, most of all, the people who are and have been members of the family.  Luckily, my departure is lightened by knowing DC Comics will be in the hands of Paul Levitz, the most gifted of colleagues, and the best of allies and friends.'


Levitz moves up from the EVP/Publisher role he's held for twelve years.  A 29-year veteran of the company, Levitz came up through the ranks, starting as a freelancer, and moving through Assistant Editor, Editor, Editorial Coordinator, Manager-Business Affairs, VP-Operations, and EVP before ascending to his current post.  Levitz has been the more visible leader of the company to retailers in recent years, and is a reliable fixture at the San Diego Comic-con.    He was present at the company during the creation of the direct market distribution system that serves comic stores, was responsible for its nurturing (see '20 Questions:  Paul Levitz, Part 2'), has overseen DC's rapid expansion into the book format as periodical comic circulations have declined, and supervised DC's growing involvement in toys and statues.   We asked Levitz whether recent editorial promotions at DC were to prepare the company structurally for the expansion of his duties.  He replied, 'Not specifically--we've been looking for folks to improve our editorial team for some time, and Dan fit the bill at a totally coincidental moment.'


Levitz said of the change, 'DC Comics has been an important part of my life since I learned how to read, and even more so during the almost 30 years I've gotten to play with the greatest fantasy characters of all,' said Levitz.  'I'm honored that Barry Meyer selected me to replace my longtime colleague and friend, Jenette Kahn, and I look forward to building on the wonderful traditions of this very special company.'


It is unlikely that this change in top management will mean significant changes for the company.  Levitz has been the front man for all of DC's publishing ventures for years, and the addition of media to his portfolio will be invisible to most.  Congratulations to Jenette Kahn on a great tenure at DC, with best wishes for her future efforts.  And congratulations to Paul Levitz on ascending to the top of the company he loves, with best wishes for his success in the role.