Fred Gallagher's FredArt Studios and Dark Horse Comics have announced an agreement with the Japanese publisher Kodansha under which Kodansha will publish a Japanese language version of Megatokyo Vol. 1 under the Kodansha Box imprint.  Megatokyo is the first English language manga that Kodansha has ever licensed for the Japanese market.


In September Kodansha will introduce Megatokyo to Japanese audiences via a 30-page preview in Faust magazine.  Fred Gallagher is creating a special introductory comic that will appear in Faust.  Katsushi Ohta, who edits the Kodansha Box imprint, is also the editor of Faust, which features the work of key artists and writers including Kinoko Nasu (Fate/stay Night), Nishio Ishin (Katanagatari), and Hajime Ueda (FLCL).  An English edition of Faust, which Ohta describes as 'a sort of index of Japanese popular culture,' is slated for release in 2008.