News from the archives of Internal Correspondence, the print predecessor of  This news from the February, 1987 issue.


'Eclipse has announced that it has scheduled the release of the first books with material licensed from Japan.  Three titles will be released in May.  The material will be from books originally published by Shogakukan, a major Japanese publisher.'


Those manga titles, which included Mai the Psychic Girl, became the first English translations of Japanese manga released in the US.  Ultimately Shogakukan entered the US on its own, through Viz Communications, now only one of many companies translating manga for the US market.


In comic market shares, Marvel had 53%, DC about 30%, and all of the others under 5%.  X-books topped the comic bestseller lists.  


Asimov and Anne McCaffrey topped the science fiction book bestseller lists.


In games, there was a mixed bag, with TSR's AD&D, Hero's Champions, FASA's Battletech, GDW's Twilight and Traveller games, Steve Jackson's Toon, and others in a fragmented bestseller picture.