At the 'DC Nation' panel at the San Diego Comic-Con DC Comics unveiled the creative team, writer Grant Morrison and artist J.G. Jones, for the seven-issue Final Crisis comic event that will rock the DC Universe starting in May of 2008. Morrison, who has been heavily involved in DC's mega-event 52, has also recently written two key DC series All-Star Superman and Seven Soldiers of Victory, both of which have done very well as graphic novels.
J.G. Jones is a superb cover artist (he did all 52 covers for DC's maxi-series 52), who has also demonstrated considerable talent in penciling interiors for such series as Mark Millar's Wanted (for Top Cow) and Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia written by Greg Rucka.
Other than releasing a teaser poster for the Final Crisis event, DC Comics has remained typically tightlipped about what is going to transpire next spring -- but given Grant Morrison's track record it appears likely that Final Crisis will shake the DC Universe to its very roots.