At the San Diego Comic-Con Marvel EIC Joe Quesada announced that Terry Moore, the creator of the long-lived (14 years) Strangers in Paradise, will take over writing duties on Runaways after Joss Whedon completes his six-issue run.  Runaways, which was created by Brian K. Vaughan, has steadily built a reputation as one of the interesting and innovative superhero books being published by a mainstream comic book publisher.  The high concept storyline about kids who discover that their parents are supervillains is both subversive and perfectly suited to Moore's subtle talent for detailing complicated relationships. 


Like Terry Moore, artist Humberto Ramos appears to be a good fit for Runaways --and in his first drawing for the series he clearly demonstrates that he can draw these characters that bear little physical resemblance to traditional superheroes.


Earlier this summer Marvel announced that Terry Moore would take over Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Sean McKeever's sensitive chronicle of the high school lives of Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson and their friends -- a project with perhaps even more affinity to Moore's skills and talents.