Voting for the Hall of Fame category of the 2008 Will Eisner Comic Industry awards is now open online at the Website. Eligible voters include comics industry professionals (writers, artists, colorists, letterers, publishers, and editors) and retailers (store owners or managers). The Hall of Fame nominees are Matt Baker, John Broome, Reed Crandall, Rudolph Dirks, Arnold Drake, George Evans, Creig Flessel, Graham Ingels, Mort Meskin, Tarpe Mills, Gilbert Shelton, George Tuska, Mort Weisinger, Len Wein, and Barry Windsor-Smith.
Two pioneering figures, R.F. Outcault, the creator of The Yellow Kid newspaper comic that put the "yellow" in yellow journalism, and Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, who founded DC Comics and published the first comic book of all-new material in 1935, have been automatically inducted into the Hall of Fame.