By now most retailers are well aware of the sterling lineup of titles that publishers are producing for Free Comic Book Day on May 3rd, but as much progress as has been made over the years in increasing the number and variety of the comic book giveaways, there have been even more improvements in providing marketing aid for participating retailers. The Free Comic Book Day Webpage (where the new comic shop store locator will be functioning by early next week) has a "Retailer Tools" page, which can be of enormous help to retailers who want to get the most out of the event.
The "Retailer Tools" page has a sample (fill in the blanks) press release that retailers can download and customize for their own use as well as a sample "Event Calendar" listing that is geared toward use in local papers, plus potential "talking points" to use when dealing with reporters, tips on getting local press coverage, and a primer on how to use the Congress.org media guide to locate and contact local newspapers.
Retailers can also download flyers, shelf talkers, and logos as well as the FCBD 2008 Promotional TV Commercial, which retailers can "tag" with information directing viewers to their store. The TV commercial, like all the other downloadable items, is free to retailers.
The FCBD commercial has also been uploaded to Youtube, where comic book fans are encouraged to create their own FCBD commercial explaining why they love comics. The fan who creates the most compelling commercial will win a $250 gift certificate to his or her favorite comic book shop.