This fall Hill and Wang is continuing its tradition of releasing reality-based graphic novels with The United States Constitution: A Graphic Adaptation by Jonathan Hennessey and Aaron McConnell and Isadora Duncan: A Graphic Biography by Sabrina Jones.
First out is The United States Constitution: A Graphic Adaptation, a 160-page full color volume, which will be released in October in both paperback ($16.95) and hardcover ($35.00) editions. Hennessey and McConnell use sequential storytelling to breathe life into the basic document of the American government, methodically proceeding article by article, amendment by amendment to trace the evolution of a document that once sanctioned slavery, denied voting rights to women, and turned a blind eye to state governments’ oppression of minorities, into a bulwark of protection for the rights of all.
In November Hill and Wang will publish a biography of the iconoclastic and influential Isadora Duncan by Sabrina Jones (World War III, Female Complaints). The 144-page, black-and-white Isadora Duncan: A Graphic Biography ($16.95) traces the remarkable 50-year life of the woman, who in spite of a hardscrabble upbringing in San Francisco and Oakland, managed to captivate the cognoscenti of Europe and almost single-handedly create the modern dance movement with its emphasis on emotion and improvisation, while fearlessly living (and some might say defining) the unconventional, bohemian life of the artiste.