Dark Horse Comics has announced its intent to begin creating new Terminator comic books for release in 2009 in conjunction with the silver anniversary of the debut of the original Terminator film, which premiered in 1984.  According to Dark Horse CEO Mike Richardson, Dark Horse is “eager to begin a brand new series picking up where we left off.”


Of course 2009 is not only the 25th anniversary of the release of the original Terminator film, it will also see the debut on May 22nd of the fourth Terminator film, which stars Christian Bale (see “Terminator: Salvation Set for Memorial Day Bow”).  The release of the new Terminator film should invigorate the entire franchise and spark interest in all things Terminator, including Dark Horse’s two Omnibus Editions collecting its previous Terminator releases as well as in its new ongoing line of Terminator comics; and Titan’s salvo of Terminator IV-related volumes (see “Titan’s Terminator Tomes”).