Marvel EIC Joe Quesada has released a statement in response to retailer Brian Hibbs' class action lawsuit against Marvel (see 'Retailer Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Marvel ').  It 'does not necessarily express the opinion of Marvel Enterprises, Inc.'


'I'm not going to argue the legal merits of Brian's lawsuit since it is a subject for our legal department.  What I can talk about is the sad and unfortunate timing in which Brian decided, better yet calculated to submit his lawsuit.  Right after one of the comic's industry's most glorious weekends, three days in which the industry as a whole can feel so much better for itself, a time when comic fans are flying high and new people are entering stores and enjoying this medium that we all love and cherish so much, Brian Hibbs decides to file his lawsuit!  He couldn't wait a week to put a pin in everyone's collective bubble with more of the negativity that we all were some accustomed coming out of guys like him a few years ago?  Would a week have killed anyone?  And all this coming from the guy who took the greatest exception to my speech on self loathing in the comics biz.  I guess it was way too much good news for one weekend, Brian?


'Way to rain on everybody's parade, buddy!'
Although we understand Quesada's reaction, we really haven't seen any evidence that this story has impinged at all on the mass public consciousness, which is as it should be.  It's a relatively narrow trade dispute that has little to do with the many good things that are happening in the comics industry.  And after all, Hibbs didn't file the suit on Friday!  Marvel has not yet responded to requests for comment.