Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen producer Don Murphy and John Wells, director of The Company Men starring Ben Affleck, Tommy Lee Jones, and Kevin Costner, have optioned The Forgotten, a independent, self-published comic book by Evan Young and Jareth Grealish.  The 4-issue Philadelphia-based mini-series was published by Fintan Studios in 2002 and issued as a 128-page graphic novel in 2003. 


The Forgotten combines elements of the supernatural and the superheroic with a gritty crime drama set on Philly’s mean streets.  With a hero who, no matter who he meets or what he does, is forgotten by everyone he encounters after just five minutes, The Forgotten has been compared by The Hollywood Reporter with Christopher Nolan’s Memento, and described Barb Lien-Cooper in Sequential Tart as having a “Vertigo meets Astro City vibe to it that I think readers of intelligent mature titles will eat up with a spoon.”