Steve Jackson Games is reporting that production of the Hellboy Sourcebook And Roleplaying Game is on schedule and that the $24.95 book will be ready in time to display at the San Diego Comic-Con International as well as GenCon.  The book features a Mignola cover along with an 8-page Hellboy comic story written by Christopher Golden (see 'Hellboy RPG To Include New Comic') as well as lots of full color Mike Mignola art throughout.


Just as the sourcebooks created by Guardians of Order for their anime roleplaying system have an appeal to fans who just want to learn more about their favorite anime property, so the Hellboy Sourcebook And Roleplaying Game should appeal to readers of the Dark Horse Comics series.  Even comic shop retailers who don't normally carry RPGs should consider bringing in a copy of the Hellboy Sourcebook & RPG if they have dedicated Hellboy fans among their clientele.


The sourcebook aspect of the book makes it attractive to Hellboy fans, but that shouldn't make anyone overlook the roleplaying potential of the Hellboy saga.  Players can take the roles of Hellboy and his allies, or even create new agents of his occult research agency, the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense.