Although the success of Kick-Ass at the box office is yet to be determined, Matthew Vaughn’s independently-financed (thanks, Brad Pitt), no-compromises film has already had an impact in
Variety is reporting that Ennis has written the screenplay for Crossed, which will be filmed first and then shopped to distributors just as Kick-Ass was. Kick-Ass’ performance at the box office (and on DVD) will likely determine how quickly other “giggles-and-guts” splatter-satires will make it to the big screen.
The ten-issue Crossed series has been collected by Avatar Press into a 240-page hardcover ($32.99). David Lapham (Stray Bullets) is writing a second Crossed series, Crossed: Family Values, which takes place in the same plague-stricken world, but features a totally different cast from Ennis’ saga.