Marvel Comics has designated Wednesday, October 6th as Uncanny X-Force Day in conjunction with the launching of Uncanny X-Force #1 by Rick Remender and Jerome Opena. Marvel is producing a number of commemorative items including an exclusive Uncanny X-Force print featuring the team’s first appearance in the hit series Second Coming. Plus fans will have a chance to add their own heroes Logan’s brand new black ops team by sketching them in on the Uncanny X-Force #1 Blank Variant.
Marvel is producing special party invitations for the event, which retailers can receive along with party favors, shelf talkers, cake toppers, flyers, and customizable press releases. Retailers interested in participating in the promotion should check their Marvel Mailers for details and sign up by September 9th. Retailers who participate will receive a special advance screening edition of the Uncanny X-Force #1 Premiere Variant, a limited edition comic that won’t be available to the general public or to retailers who don’t participate in Uncanny X-Force Day.
In addition to the Uncanny X-Force Limited Edition Print by Greg Land, Marvel is releasing Uncanny X-Force #1 with the standard cover by Esad Ribic as well as variants by Marko Djurdjevic, Clayton Crain, Rob Liefeld, and J. Scott Campbell plus the Blank Variant.