DC Comics announced six retro miniseries at WonderCon, branded Retro-Active, matching key creators from past decades with the characters with which they were associated at the time. Each miniseries will include issues tied to the 70s, 80s, and 90s, shipping in July and August. Each comic will feature 26 pages of new story and 20 pages of classic stories for $4.99.
Writers have been announced; artists have not.
Writers have been announced; artists have not.
The 70s
Superman: Martin Pasko
Wonder Woman: Dennis O’Neil
The Flash: Cary Bates
Justice League of America: Cary Bates
Green Lantern: Dennis O’Neil
Batman: Len Wein
Superman: Marv Wolfman
Wonder Woman: Roy Thomas
The Flash: William Messner-Loebs
Justice League of America: Gerry Conway
Green Lantern: Len Wein
Batman: Mike W. Barr
Superman: Louise Simonson
Wonder Woman: William Messner-Loebs
The Flash: Brian Augustyn
Justice League of America: Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis
Green Lantern: Ron Marz
Batman: Alan Grant