DC Comics reports that the revamping of its entire line of comics in September has been an unqualified success resulting in over 5 million comics sold over the past six weeks.
The bestselling book of the “New 52” is Justice League #1, which according to DC has sold over 250,000 copies.  DC also reports that Batman #1 and Action Comics #1 each sold over 200,000, while Detective Comics #1, The Flash #1, Green Lantern #1, and Superman #1 all sold over 150,000 copies.
In addition Aquaman #1, Batgirl #1, Batman and Robin #1, Batman: The Dark Knight #1, Green Lantern Corps #1, Green Lantern: New Guardians #1, and Wonder Woman #1 all posted initial circulations over 100,000 copies, giving DC 14 titles over 100K. Note these numbers are higher than ICv2’s sales estimates (see “Top Comics Actual, September 2011”), but ICv2 totals include just copies sold through Diamond Comic Distributors in North America (so the UK market is not included) during a specific month (and sales for many of these titles included second printings that were released in another month).
John Rood, DC’s Executive VP of Sales, Marketing, and Business Development, said, “our digital sales have been better than we could imagined and we are pleased that these sales are additive to traditional publishing sales in the comic shops.  We are not migrating readers from paper to digital.  We’re adding new readers to the mix.”