Amazon has launched a branded DC Comics store on its Website which offers both print and digital graphic novels, videos, and toys, all in one area of the site. The print graphic novels, of course, Amazon has always offered in great variety, but they are now merchandised in a branded DC environment. The initial digital offerings are the 100 graphic novels that DC made available exclusively for the Kindle (see “Watchmen on Kindle”).
Print and digital copies of the graphic novel are both included in the same listing. So, for example, on Watchmen, the print copy is offered at $11.29, the Kindle edition offered as an alternate format at $9.99 (see “Kindle Launches Graphic Novel Price War”). The cover price for the print edition is $19.99.
DC says it expects to expand the number of digital titles available through the Fire “in the near future.” Another upcoming change is that the DC graphic novel titles available on the Fire will soon be available “through the broader Amazon digital ecosystem,” which includes the Kindle app in the iOS app store and on other platforms.
Amazon is also offering its DC-based video content within the DC store, including free downloads on “DC Bonus Content.” And DC Direct figures are offered from third party sellers.
DC’s exclusive graphic novels for the Kindle Fire raised the ire of its largest brick and mortar retailer: Barnes & Noble pulled the 100 titles that DC had made available through the Kindle Fine (but not the Nook) off the shelves of its retail store shelves in retaliation (see “B&N to DC: It’s On!”). Books-a-Million joined the boycott shortly thereafter (see “BAM Joins Boycott of DC Graphic Novels”).
The Comics by comiXology app is featured on the Kindle Fire. Asked how sales were going so far, comiXology responded that sales on the Fire were “exceeding expectations.” The content on comiXology’s app actually includes many of the same stories available through Amazon on the Kindle Fire as part of DC’s exclusive deal; on the comiXology app they’re available as single issues, while in the Amazon store they’re sold as collections.
Graphicly’s comic app is also available on the Fire.