Green Ronin Publishing presented its plans for new superhero roleplaying game products in 2012 at the recent Gama Trade Show in Las Vegas. Both DC Adventures and Mutants & Masterminds will see two new products this year.
In April, the second volume in the two-part Heroes & Villains series will release. This 304 page hardcover sourcebook includes detailed descriptions of some of the most popular characters in the DC Universe, as well as many of the more obscure characters. Heroes & Villains, Vol. 2 includes characters with names running from L to Z, complete with stats for playing characters in the game. Combined with Heroes & Villains, Vol. 1, over 500 characters are included. Heroes & Villains, Vol. 2 will have a suggested retail price of $49.95.
In the fall, Green Ronin plans to release the fourth and final book in the DC Adventures line: Universe will be a complete setting book that describes the entire DC universe in detail. This sourcebook will have a suggested retail price of $39.95.
Threat Report is a collection of villain profiles for the Mutants & Masterminds game system. The book collects the weekly Threat Report villains, released in pdf form over the last year, and combines them with new content. This will be a 176-page softcover sourcebook with a suggested retail price of $29.95, and is planned for a summer release.
Emerald City will be a boxed set for Mutants & Masterminds, and is designed as a companion set to the Freedom City setting. Emerald City focuses on a west coast city set in the same game world as Freedom City. This set expands the Freedom City world setting, or can be used independently. The boxed set will also include a full-length adventure module.