DC Comics announced a new “Batman Digital” comic that will launch in June and feature out-of-continuity Batman adventures produced by a rotating gang of creators that includes horror comics specialist Ben Templesmith (a perfect choice for the Dark Knight’s adventures at their darkest), Nicola Scott, Jeff Lemire, Steve Niles, Damon Lindelof, B. Clay Moore, and Joshua Hale Fialkov.  One issue will feature a story written by Lost co-creator Lindelof and illustrated by Jeff Lemire.
Ame-Comi Wonder Woman
The new Batman Digital series will be preceded in May by another new digital-first comic, Ame-Comi Girls, a weekly series available on Mondays featuring manga-style, DC Direct-influenced versions of DC superheroines written by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti.
These two newly announced titles join a growing lineup of DC digital-first comics including Smallville Season 11 (see "'Smallville,' Season 11"), which debuted today, picks up right after the finale of the Smallville TV series, and is written by Bryan Q. Miller, who was one of the writers on the Smallville TV show.  Other digital-first series include Batman: Arkham Unhinged, which is based on Arkham City video game and the futuristic Beyond series (see "DC Goes Digital First"), which alternates from week-to-week between Justice League Beyond, Batman Beyond, and Superman Beyond.