Wizards of the Coast has announced the July release of Kaijudo: The Dojo Edition, which will be the first booster pack release for the rebooted Duel Masters Trading Card Game. The announcement of the first booster-pack release for the retooled card game comes on the eve of the debut of the Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters TV show, which launches on the Hub cable TV network on June 2nd (see "'Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters' Cartoon Debut Set").
The June 2nd debut of the cartoon series will be followed on June 26th by the launch of the Kaijudo Battle Decks and the launch of the Kaijudo online game. The Kaijudo Tatsurion vs. Razorkinder Battle Decks will allow players to experience the completely refurbished Kaijudo Trading Card Game first hand immersing the players in a world of fast combat and deep strategy (see "'Kaijudo TCG'" for a complete description of the game and the Battle Decks release).
Then in July will come the release of Kaijudo: The Dojo Edition, which will include many of the mind-blowing creatures from the TV series, will allow players to expand and enhance their decks. Those who purchase The Dojo Edition boosters will have the satisfaction of getting in on the ground floor of the new TCG with cards that will be forever associated with the First Edition or initial release of the game. In addition WotC will also release the Kaijudo Bull Rush Competitive Deck with 40 playable cards, everything needed to play.