A security consultant working for Marvel has threatened "severe" consequences over Latino Review’s story revealing that the next Marvel movie to be announced would be Guardians of the Galaxy (see "'Guardians of the Galaxy' in 2014?"), according to a post on the site Thursday titled "Marvel May Not Know What Reporting Is." The e-mail from the security consultant, posted in full by the reporter who wrote the original article, said "the Iron Man 3 and Guardians of the Galaxy information was confidential and you did not have Marvel’s consent to post it. That was illegal!"
The security consultant further promises that he will keep any information provided by the reporter confidential and will "make it worth your effort." He also says “I don’t want to see anyone’s career be tarnished because of this."
The reporter, whose report on Marvel’s then upcoming Comic-Con Hall H announcements nailed it, said he would not be responding to the consultant’s communication other than the post.
This incident shows how intensely studios are working to preserve their news so it can be announced in the way they want it revealed, and the lengths to which they'll go when leaks occur.
This incident shows how intensely studios are working to preserve their news so it can be announced in the way they want it revealed, and the lengths to which they'll go when leaks occur.