We recently heard from Ron and Pat from Jay-Ron Raceway Collectibles in Riverside, Rhode Island on a sale for consumers that Dynamic Forces is running on its Website.
In a move that makes no sense, Dynamic Forces offered a program to its retail customers on line that offered them resin statues at half price, which is well below our cost. After selling a pair of statues to a customer, Spider-Man and Green Goblin, the customer came in and cancelled his layaway because the retail price was $99.99 each and he could buy them for $49.99 each on line. Our cost was $64.99 each. Because of this he also cancelled all other statues he had ordered from us. Now Dynamic Forces is offering other statues on line at half price that we are still paying full price for. Retailers are getting the short end of the stick here. Retailers should fight back and boycott them. We intend to.
We contacted Dynamic Forces and got this response from Nick Barucci and Joe Rybandt: