DC Comics acknowledged the power and popularity of online dating sites by releasing the Jim Lee image of Superman and Wonder Woman’s first kiss to the popular Match.com site. Match.com also collaborated with DC on dating profiles for the two superheroes, who are set to start dating in Justice League #12 (see "Supes New Flame").  The profiles have a bit of humor that comic fans will enjoy such as Wonder Woman explaining the origin of her invisible plane or Superman referring to his Fortress of Solitude as “a pretty sweet man cave.”
But Match.com goes farther than the profiles when it had its "scientific" advisor Dr. Helen Fisher, who sees the hormones of each of the superheroes as key determining factors in how they act.  With Supes it’s "an acute sense of justice and fairness are traits linked with the testosterone system in the brain.  So Superman’s affiliation with the "Justice League" is an immediate tipoff to his personality type: a high testosterone male.  Most important, this "Man of Steel" saves people he doesn’t know. Known as 'heroic altruism,' this willingness to confront severe danger to save a stranger is linked with elevated levels of testosterone."  While Wonder Woman, "exudes qualities built by estrogen.  This type is compassionate and nurturing; they seek peace and harmony, as Wonder Woman does.  Estrogen is linked with verbal skills, with intuition, and with the ability to read faces, postures, gestures and tone of voice."
But can these two iconic superheroes find happiness locked in an embrace that would surely crush most mortals?  Dr. Fisher, who may not be totally conversant with the conflicting demands of long term serial drama, thinks so: "Superman and Wonder Woman are a classic match, as a very high testosterone male and a very high estrogen female.  They also have many cultural and biological traits that will fuel their romance.  People also tend to fall in love with those of the same background.  Although Superman comes from a different planet, while Wonder Woman harks from an isolated island, both are aliens to our modern world.  More important, Superman and Wonder Woman share the same values and goals: They are both dedicated to truth and justice and both fight evil to save the good—traits shared by both the high testosterone and high estrogen type.  Lastly, both value independence."