Magic Storm Entertainment has announced that film and TV producer Barry Josephson (Enchanted, Bones) has signed on to produce an adaptation of Stan Lee’s Annihilator based on a script by Dan Gilroy (Bourne Legacy, Reel Steel).
The film will tell the story of a young Chinese expatriate who survives a U.S. Army super soldier program largely because of his martial arts training.  All the training and enhancements will come in very handy when Ming faces off against a former rival with his own set of enhanced abilities.
Annihilator is being financed by National Film Capital, which has raised $422 million via the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.  This is just the latest in a growing number of movie production deals that involve either production in China, Chinese financing, or both (see "Marvel to Shoot 'Iron Man 3' in China").  Get used to the Chinese connection.  Because of Chinese economic power and the increasing importance of the Chinese film market, China will be an increasingly important factor in movie production as the 21st Century rolls on.